Sunday, June 12, 2005

Catching Up With Princess

I'm feeling a bit better today, the funk I hope is lifting. Right now I am at Silver's getting ready to have some metts from the grill. He is headed off to his cruise in a few days and needed a haircut so he can look good for all those "Disney Maniacs" he will be traveling with. After reading his latest blog entry, he may need to take some condoms "precautions" with him as well. Oh yeah I forgot he is taking his son on the cruise, so I suppose there will be no enchiladas in store for him on this trip.

I talked with my daughter, Princess today. It seems that things are finally going well for her and Asshole. They both are up for promotions at work and their finances are getting in control. Now if she can just lose the "mother-in-law" things will be much better. Asshole's mother lives with them one week out of each month when she comes down to Florence from Cleveland, where she lives with her ailing parents. She constantly criticizes Princess in regards to how she keeps house, and being lazy. Princess works 6 days a week, she don't have time for very much cleaning. But the mother-in-law should not be passing judgment, I mean she spawned the asshole. They have also adopted a new pet. Now along with their dog, and two snakes, they own a cat. I little black minx. She hasn't named her yet, but she is thinking about Cleo. She also said that they are talking about possibly having a baby, and may start trying in the fall. Princess has already had two miscarriages, and with her history with asshole, I advised it may not be a good plan. I hate to see her trying to raise a child on her own. But she is her own person and an adult. Whatever happens of course daddy will be there and support her.

Well I have been told I have to get off the computer, or Silver is threatening to play his Disney CD, so I better go...

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