Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Where the Deer and the Antelope Play

Montana...Bozeman, Montana to be exact. What the hell is in Bozeman, Montana? Apparently a new restaurant. One that DJ will be helping open up and train the new employees.

Yes, DJ is leaving for beautiful Bozeman, Montana on the 16th and will be gone until the 3oth!

This is a great opportunity for him and it says a lot about what a great employee he is. He recently opened a store here locally and impressed the coordinator so much that he hand picked DJ to go out to Montana and help open the new franchise out there.

What will I be doing for the 14 days he is out in "Cowboy Country?" Well this isn't about me. It's about DJ, and I fully support him in his career and want to see him be successful. So what will I be doing while he is away in the mountains? Like I said. it's not about me but about DJ and the opportunity he has been afforded and the extra cash he will be bringing in.

No really, how do I feel about it? Honestly? Well, at first I was upset. This will be the first time in 8 years that we have been away from one another for more than one night. And I really hate being alone. But after I thought about it I realized this is an opportunity for him that is incredible and he really wants to do this. So I will learn to live with it, and make lots of long distance phone calls. And it's only for 14 days. It could be 14 weeks. So a new chapter has opened up in our relationship and to be honest, I am really excited for him, and for the both of us. But I'm still allowed to miss him...

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