Saturday, January 22, 2005

21 Again

I'm not 21 anymore. I haven't been 21 in over 23 years. But last night I acted like I was 21.

Today? I realized that being 21 just for a few hours really makes you feel 44 the next morning.

DJ's little sister "Budlight" turned 21 last night. The family gave her a surprise birthday party. It included all of her family, high school friends, college friends and others. There were roughly about 100 people in the hall. Not to mention tons of TESTOSTERONE filled 21 year old men! I met some of the most liberal, open-minded, not to mention attractive straight guys last night. And no...I DID NOT HIT ON THEM. I actually enjoyed their conversations and hanging out with them. We are actually going to go canoeing this summer with a couple of them, and their wives of course.
Of course they had their questions, like "how did you know" or "when did you know" and "Why did you get married if you knew?" The same ones I hear over and over again. But back to being 21 again.

I drank. I drank rum & coke. I drank A LOT of rum & coke. Not to mention a couple tequila rose shots. I danced. I danced with the little girls ( 12-14) and then I danced with the big girls (18-28) and then I tried to dance with the boys, but DJ said that may not go over well with the crowd, so instead I kareoked. He should have let me dance. Me singing Elvis's rendition of "Teddy Bear" was not pretty. But it was better than DJ's grandfather's version of the Patsy Cline Hit, "Walking After Midnight"

DJ was somewhat wasted, but his sister! She didn't even know her name by the end of the night. Me? I began to sober up fairly quickly, and we were home in bed by 1:30 a.m. We were asleep by 3:00. (You figure it out)

Great Birthday Budlight! Happy 21
Oh to be 21 again.

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