Saturday, July 01, 2006

Aisle 3 Open With No Waiting

I had my entire day planned out for today. Sleeping in, fixing lunch for me and my boys. Then shopping for dinner, which was going to consist of grilled burgers, hotdogs, metts and brauts. With french fries and onion rings. I was going to have it all together and ready for consumption by the time DJ arrived home from work.

Everything was running according to schedule, and at 3:45 we headed off to the local Meijer for shopping. We picked up everything we needed, plus a few extras and headed to the trusty ATM to withdraw the necessary funds to make our purchase.

"INCORRECT PASSWORD TRY AGAIN" the screen reads after I punch in our PIN #. So I try again.


Great, the ATM machine ate my ATM card. I have no cash on me, and left my cell phone at home. No problem I can go to a pay-phone. They do still have those don't they? I find a pay-phone and realize that I do not know DJ's cell number as it is in memory on my cell phone and I never really need to dial it. Okay no problem I will call him at home and leave a message. Which I do, twice.

No response, it is now 5:oo p.m. and my entire evening has been thwarted by the card eating ATM Machine. Finally I call home again and DJ answers. He just arrived home and had heard my frantic message and was now on his way to retrieve me, the boys and our dinner.

I hope this is no indication on how my entire month of July is going to be!

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Four Generations

 Spent a little bit of time yesterday with my youngest grandchild, Lizzie. She doesn't look very comfortable in this picture, but she wa...