Monday, February 21, 2005

Have a Happy President's Day!

Happy President's Day

I'm a Presidential junkie. Meaning I love reading about our Presidents. I just finished a biography of Abraham Lincoln by Benjamin P. Thomas. A fascinating look at Honest Abe, and I going today to buy the newest book on our 16th President, claiming he was a closet homosexual. The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln, by C.A. Tripp.

I find the history of the leaders of our country to intrest me. Why? I don't really know but I read anything I can find on them, their wives and their children. The interesting facts that most people are not aware of, such as George Bush's wife Barbara was a descendant of President Franklin Pierce; or that not only did Franklin Roosevelt have a mistress but so did Eleanor; and facts like, Lincoln's son Robert Lincoln served in four presidental cabinets. I know... not of interest to most of you, but I find it thrilling. (It doesn't take much as you can tell)

There are so many other tidbits of info about the Presidents and their families that I could share, but I don't want to bore you. I'm sure the only thing that interests you about today is that it is a National Holiday and you get the day off from work....but at least you have a great gift idea for me, right?

Happy Presidents Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michael, honey you need to get out more!

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