Saturday, January 06, 2007

On the Road Again

It has been unseasonably warm here since the new year began. Yesterday we actually broke a record for warmest temp in January. It just does not seem right to not be wearing a coat in January, at least a jacket, but there has not been a reason for it this week.

Yesterday was my third week at my new job, and have I told you how much I love my new job?! Yes I love working there. There is only one thing I do not like about the job. The drive.

Anyway, my third week and we had a staff meeting at the Vernon Manor yesterday morning at 8:00 a.m. So I left home a little early and headed out for my Friday. Unbeknown to me, as I was listening to Fergie's new CD instead of the radio to get the traffic reports, there was a tractor-trailer jack-knifed on the expressway. So about 15 minutes into my morning road trip I was sitting at a standstill on the highway. I sat there for 30 minutes, not even moving. As we s l o w l y moved I finally got past the worst of the traffic. Nothing I saw on the road was worthy of me sitting in stopped traffic. I think if I am sitting in stopped traffic I should have at least seen a white sheet on the road somewhere. But nothing. I walked into the meeting already in progress with the firms owner standing at the podium, facing the door. As I sheepishly walked in (15 minutes late) he seemed to leer at me. Fortunate for me, two attorneys and three other staff came in after I did, so the impact of the "new guy" being late was hopefully lost on the fact that his attorneys were also late. They are supposed to be role models. I did talk to the owner afterward and explained the reason for my tardiness. He said he already heard that some were stuck in traffic due to the accident. I was saved. This time anyway.

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